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Summer Track Pass Update

The new summer track pass system starts on 1 April. It was hoped that we would have had a gate hut in place before the start, but the UCLAN track manager has informed the club it will not be ready by 1 April. To get your track pass (£50 for the season) you will need a photo ID card, which will be provided by the ladies in the store room at the track. They will be around frequently during training sessions over the next couple of weeks. We have already taken over 200 photos, at gym sessions and track sessions, and have printed the track passes for everyone photographed. This means that if you want to purchase your track pass you can do so in the store, or later, at the gate. Unfortunately we have no machinery for accepting card payment, so payment will need to be either cash, or the preferred method of a cheque made out to ‘Preston Harriers’. If you have no track pass, there will be a £4 charge on the gate for each session.

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