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Preston's Inter-Club report

Cathy and Dougie, our respective captains, have kindly put together a race report from Wednesday's event.

Echoing the message here, thank you so much to all the volunteers who gave up their time to help the event run smoothly.

There's also a fantastic from Olga Wiggins: check it out here

'Another Inter Club completed under the sunshine in Preston and what a night it was!

Once again Preston dominated the results but this time we surpassed ourselves in terms of not just the results but the donations to the buffet and the 57 volunteers who gave up their time.

Based on the provisional results, the 59 runners who completed the 3rd race in the series achieved 1st place in the Mens team category with 1st across the line Rob Danson (20.04), 2nd Adam Sciacci (20.27), 3rd Patrick Brown 1st-V35 (20.36), 4th Chris Livesey 1st-V40 (20.56), 5th Sam Evans (21.08), 8th Luke Suffolk 1st-U20 (21.19), 11th Wesley Wilkinson (21.56), 19th Josh Parratt (22.44), 21st Chris Russell (22.48), 24th Toney Donnelly V40 (22.57).

Preston also finished 1st team in the Ladies category with 1st home being Hannah Jacobsen (23.14), 2nd Jamie Robinson 1st-F35 (23.21), 3rd Michelle Chadwick (24.22), 4th Sophie Pilkington (25.28) and 6th Chole Reid (26.14).

There was also further team wins in the Vets, Vets 50s and Vets 60s categories with the additional team scorers being Gethin Butler (1st-V55), Steve Hallas (V50), Jason Parker (V45), Stuart Benson (V50), Norman Hayhurst (1st-V60), Mark Lee (V60), John Rainford(V60)

Finally, not overlooking the numerous individual wins in addition to those mentioned above: Aarushi Wuppalapati 1st Female Junior, Liz Horne 1st F40, Cathy Flitcroft 1st F60 and everyone else who ran and represented Preston Harriers in a further show of force wearing your Preston Harriers vests with pride.

The feedback from the day from participating clubs has been very positive, the new course was well received by runners and spectators alike. However, none of this would have been possible without the main key figure not mentioned above - Ian Bebbington our Race Director did a fantastic job co-ordinating all the moving parts to make this the success it was.

Thank you to one and all.

Cathy and Dougie'

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