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Bleasdale Circle fell race – 23rd February 2022

Out of 120 pre-entries, only 44 runners made it to the start line of this race due to a sudden fall of snow which made some of the surrounding roads impassable. The race is 5 miles long and takes competitors to a height of 500m over the exposed tops of Paddy’s Pole and Parlick. For Preston Harriers, it was the second event in the club’s fell championship, and those who managed to fight their way through the drifts enjoyed the experience of running on snow-covered hills in the afternoon sunshine. After a 15 minute delay at the start to allow the final few runners to reach Bleasdale, the race went ahead in fine weather with spectacular views across the fells. It was won by Ellis Bland of promoting club Bowland Fell Runners in a time of 44:27. First Harrier to finish was Ben Naylor in 48:57, and he was soon followed by Jon Green, who was first V40 in 51:57. Darren McDermott was first V50 in 52:06. New recruit Joel Hansen finished in 26th place in his first ever fell race. Other Harriers to brave the snow and complete the course were Roy Parkinson, Joseph Sharples, Jim Doherty, Olga Wiggins and Elena MacDonald.

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