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Letter to All Harriers from Isaac Delaney

As I leave for Harvard, having got an academic scholarship there, I would not want to go without saying thank you to Preston Harriers for giving me such a start in athletics. Whilst Harvard don’t give sports scholarships I am going to be part of the sports faculty with all that it entails.

I wish to thank many people at Preston Harriers, beginning with the late Bob Welfare who recognised me as a thrower but gave me to coach Tunde to help with my sprinting!

Brian Campbell and Gary Tunstall also recognised my Shot Putt potential and gave me much encouragement. Barbara Gillies, Pete Hancock always chatted and gave me the benefit of their wisdom. Thanks Jo and Catherine for YDL experience! Michael Kiley quietly steered me to national and international level. Thanks, Michael. Alex Profitt inherited me latterly, so thanks Alex for taking on an overbearing know -it -all!!

I was encouraged weekly by parents of other athletes, friends and coaches alike. Also, many officials there have always had a kind word for me. I have made many friends amongst athletes too, whilst with the Harriers.

Thank you to Andy Parker and Pete Warden whose experience and advice were valued greatly. Steve Mort from Lancashire Schools has always been a source of support.

My grandparents and parents had the task of running me round for 5 years!! Thank you so much.

Athletics is a great sport and I will take the Preston Harriers’ ethos with me.

I would say to all track and field athletes, stick at it and enjoy it. Treasure your time with Preston Harriers!

Editors note: The pleasure was all ours Isaac, good luck with everything you do in the future - make sure you keep us informed! - Everyone at Preston Harriers.

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