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Harriers Double CC Champions

Sat 2 March 2019, Cuerden Valley

The final Mid Lancs Cross Country race of the season saw Preston Harriers crowned double League Champions with the Senior Mens and Womens team winning the Division One title. The ladies had won it with one race to spare, but for the men it was a head to head title decider with Lancaster University. Any concerns that it was going to be a close race were blown away at the end of the first lap with the Harriers first six placing before Lancaster’s second runner appeared. We all relaxed, enjoyed the race and looked forward to the celebration afterwards with cakes, biscuits, flapjacks and Spanish omelette. Now a firm favourite after races, the post race food is taking on almost banquet like status, and is perhaps the main reason for our success. It has been a great season. Thanks to all the runners for turning out, the two Steve’s on tent duty and for their support and the chefs for the culinary delights. Now we have the banner, let’s do it again next season.

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