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Blackpool Inter Club Race

The first race of the 2017 season took place on a chilly but dry evening and there was an expectant air as everyone from the various clubs made their way to the start in Stanley Park. The Blackpool course is two loops over 4 miles and David Rigby placed 2nd to Wesham’s Rob Danson in 19.51. Rob Affleck was 3rd in 20.28, and Toney Donnelly, feeling strong and with no ill effects after competing in the Manchester marathon the previous weekend, was 8th in 21.35. Chris Miles and Dave Watson finished in tandem, in 22.50.

There were a number of absences, no doubt because of the holiday period and on the night in the open category, Preston finished 2nd, by just three points, to Wesham. The ladies were led home by Marian Hesketh, and the other team counters were Loy Kalasiram, Sarah Wilson, Sonya Gandhi, and Jade Bebbington.

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Interclub (Road) Prizes

The DW IC Presentation will be made next Thursday after the Interclub race at Lytham St Annes race. Those with prizes are: Sam Evans Luke Suffolk David Watson Gary Wilson David Lea Alan Appleby Cathy

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