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A Day at the Beach

Lytham Inter Club Road Race 11 May 2017

On arrival at the front at Lytham, it was a serene evening but with about an hour to go before the start, a keen blustery wind started to blow. As a result, the outward stretch of this out and back course was into the wind, and the turn for the finish was too.

Record numbers took part, which meant that the start area became a little too packed for comfort as the back of the group was right up against the railings at the end of the line of the beach huts on the promenade. It`s a shame that people don`t shut up and listen to the various announcements too when everyone is waiting for the start, because much of it is about safety and respecting other users of the paths in the same vicinity.

Harriers took an open win from Wesham, with David Rigby finishing 2nd overall for the 5 mile route in 25.28. Rob Affleck was 4th in 27.36, then Gethin Butler not too far behind, in 6th in 27.49. Kevin Hunt, enjoying fine form and Richard Smith, coming back from injury, were 14th & 15th respectively. The rest of the team counters were Dave Watson (17th – 29.45), Simon Collins (24th – 30.06), Chris Miles (31st – 30.23), Dominic Moon (38th – 30.47) and George Henderson (40th – 30.54).

The ladies were 5th on the night, with Emma Hargreaves, the leading counter and finishing 17th in 35.40. Team counters were Marian Hesketh (21st – 36.20), Emma Essex-Crosby (24th – 36.53), Jenny Wren (25th – 37.06) & Amanda Ridgley (35th – 38.29). The vets team finished 1st, female vet 40 were 5th, vet 50s were 3rd and vet 60s were 4th.

It was great to see a number make their inter-club debut from the Tuesday night running group. Well done. There are still a number from across the club, who`ve yet to run and the inter-club is for everyone aged 15 and above.

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