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10 Peaks Challenge Update

At the halfway stage of the challenge over 50 members have now started the challenge, with 15 having completed all 10 peaks and 35 having done 5 or more and qualifying for the t-shirt shown above. Roy Parkinson (twice), Oli Heaton and Steve Taylor are the only 3 members to complete ’10 in a Day’. Attempts can be made in any order from any location.

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The challenge continues throughout August, and there are rumours of more ambitious attempts, such as completing the distance in one day without the use of a car between summits. First mentioned was a combined run over the summits and cycling between them. Another suggestion has been to cover the whole distance, 60 miles, on foot in 36 hours.

The 10 summits are attempted from 8 different locations, with Fair Snape Fell and Parlick both visited from Fell Foot. Similarly, Winter Hill and Rivington Pike can be visited from the same starting point. Using the shortest running distance on the fells the 10 summits can be covered in around 17½ miles (28km) with 3731ft (1137m) of ascent. Linking up the 10 summits also involves around 70 miles of driving.

The challenge has attracted the hardy fell runners, road runners trying something new and quite a few families walking the hills. There is still the whole of August to have a go, so plenty of time left. Here is a reminder of how it works.

Members are invited to participate in the following challenge during July and August 2020. You must visit, running or walking, the summits of any of the local hills. Each hill is allocated a point score and a Leader Board will be regularly updated. A free technical t-shirt will be given to all successful athletes. The following rules apply:

  1. Open to all fully paid up club members only.

  2. Each hill is allocated a point score. A minimum of 5 Peaks from 10 to count.

  3. Send proof of reaching each summit to organiser. This can be a photo, Strava, Garmin etc

  4. To be completed by 1st September 2020.

  5. Free technical t-shirt on completion of 5 or more summits.

  6. After completing all 10 summits, points can be added to the leader board by visiting the summits again.

The following safety rules apply:

  1. Juniors, under age 18, must always be accompanied by an adult.

  2. It is recommended that seniors attempt the challenge in pairs.

Organiser Roy Parkinson Mobile – 07840 898139 Email –

For the more adventurous: 5 Peak Challenge – Fairsnape & Parlick, Winter Hill & Rivington Pike, and Pendle in a day. 10 Peak Challenge – all the Peaks in a day (in any order).

Regular updates of progress via Leader Board on the Website and Facebook.

The Peaks

Points Distance Ascent(ft)

1 Nicky Nook 20 1.26 362

2 Beacon Fell 10 0.57 102

3 Fair Snape Fell 30 3.66 990

4 Parlick 70

5 Longridge Fell 50 2.18 220

6 Pendle 70 1.56 716

7 Darwen Tower 40 1.48 448

8 Great Hill 40 2.18 367

9 Winter Hill 70 4.31 526

10 Rivington Pike 30

Total 430 17.20 3731

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